This is what G.S.H. said about the theme of his hymn on black panther activism: "You have to change your mind before you change the way you're living and the way you move. So when we said that revolution will not be televised, we were saying that the thing, that is going to change people, is something that no one is going to be able to capture on film"
And that's how political rap started: “You will not be able to stay home, brother. You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out. You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip out for beer during commercials, because the revolution will not be televised.”
Listen to the whole spoken word for free thanks to the community audio archive:
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"Ich setze voraus, dass in jeder Gesellschaft die Produktion des Diskurses zugleich kontrolliert, selektiert, organisiert und kanalisiert wird – und zwar durch gewisse Prozeduren, deren Aufgabe es ist, die Kräfte und die Gefahren des Diskurses zu bändigen, sein unberechenbar Ereignishaftes zu bannen, seine schwere und bedrohliche Materialität zu umgehen." Michel Foucault